Our team is AT YOUR SERVICE!

Barbara Morina
Our fearless leader and President, is the mastermind behind the Write-It-Down! Series. When she is not selling or creating new journals, she is involved in dog rescue.

John Morina
Our Vice President and Master Sergeant of the warehouse, runs a tight ship when it comes to shipping. Whether you have one store or a nationwide chain, he is going to get the job done.

Tammy Waldie
Tammy wears a lot of hats as our incredibly outgoing office manager. When she is not keeping the staff in order, she is connecting with our sales reps and keeping customers happy.

Annelise Smith
Anna is all things graphic design! When she’s not helping Shelly with custom journals, she’s updating social media to let you know what incredible deals are happening!

Shelly Walczak
Shelly taps into her creative talents to help customers create the perfect custom journal. No job is too big or too small. She also works national key accounts.

Linda Bowen
Linda puts her charming personality to good use checking in on customers and getting them what they need…FAST!

Steve Janke
Gets a good workout at the warehouse making sure your order gets boxed and shipped correctly for an on-time delivery.