Our Story

Every journal tells a story.

In the summer of 1997 while vacationing on the west coast of Michigan, I went in search of a travel journal.  I wanted a journal with specific spaces for recording information such as places I visited and people met.  I only found a wide variety of blank journals.  Almost immediately the idea was born!

With just four titles initially, I began selling my journals at craft shows and personally calling on gift stores throughout Michigan.  Fast forward, I now offer over 65 titles, Jumbo notepads, and a whole new Write to Remember Interview style journal collection.  I have also followed my passion and now own and operate Michigan Standard Poodle Rescue.  Due to an amazing staff that keeps the office running smoothly, I have been able to rescue and re-home over 65 poodles.  That doesn’t include the great puppy mill rescue of 2014 in which 150 dogs were saved…but that is a whole other story.

I’ve always kept a personal journal to express my thoughts, excitement, and concerns for the moment and it helps me to plan and set goals for the future.  Everyone experiences important events worth remembering.  Whatever your age or passion, keeping a journal is a great way to capture and recall your thoughts and ideas.

The first page of all my journals reads: Life is an adventure. It is not the destination we reach that’s most rewarding. It’s the journey along the way. So Write It Down! and treasure the memory forever… I guess that sums it up!

Barbara Morina, President and Founder of Journals Unlimited